To carry on the activity of establishing, developing, managing, operating and running of medical service centres such as nursing care homes, polyclinics, health resorts, health clubs, in-patient and out-patient wards, diagnostic and other medical amenity centres, therapy units, theatres and allied consultation cells for social welfare.
To provide, conduct, assist, encourage, initiate or promote all type of research facilities for carrying on the research, discovery, improvement or development of new methods of diagnosis, understanding and prevention and treatment of diseases.
To Establish, promote, facilitate, promotion, improvement of educational, social, cultural, medical relief to the poor and downtrodden and advancement of any other charitable and developmental objects of general public utility and community welfare.
To Establish, conduct and manage all types of educational institutes and to start schools, colleges, Nursery/Junior, Senior Page 2 of 4 K.G., primary, Pre-primary, secondary, higher secondary and Colleges to give educational welfare to the poor and needy intellectual student.
To promote all major indoor and outdoor sports activities, martial arts by arranging competitions and distributing certificate, prizes, trophy, medals to deserving sportsmen.
To promote Education and Literacy, Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Art and Culture, Biotechnology, Children, Civic Issues, Dalit Upliftment, Disaster Management, Drinking Water, Environment and Forests, Food Processing, Health and Family Welfare, HIV/ AIDS, Housing, Human Rights, Information and Communication Technology, Labour and Employment, Legal Awareness and Aid, New and Renewable Energy, Panchayati Raj, Right to Information and Advocacy, Rural Development and Poverty Alleviation, Science and Technology, Scientific and Industrial Research, Urban Development and Poverty Alleviation, Vocational Training, Water Resources, Women?s Development and Empowerment, Youth Affairs, Any Other, Skill Developments.